Honors Chemistry

Course Materials

Desciption of Unit

Questions?  Email Dr V

Honors Chemistry

Unit 3:  Chemical Names and Formulas


Questions?  Email Dr V


This unit is all about communicating in chemistry.  To avoid language barriers and confusion due to common names (such as milk of magnesia and Epsom salts), chemists around the world use a standard system to name compounds.  We will be focusing on Stock notation for naming ionic compounds and simple prevfixes for naming binary covalent compounds.  By the end of this unit, students will be able to correctly write chemical names from formulas and formulas from chemical names.

Writing names and formulas are fundamental skills in any chemistry course. Students must master this unit for continued success in this class.  The key to success?  Lots and lots of practice problems.  Come in for extra help if you are having any difficulties with these skillls.     

